Elephant Toothpaste

Warning: This activity is really messy!


  • Hydrogen peroxide

  • dish soap

  • food coloring

  • dry yeast

  • warm water

  • drinking glass

  • 2L empty soda bottle

  • sink or place to contain liquid


    1. Mix 5 tablespoons of dry yeast into 1 cup of warm water

    2. Pour 3 cups of hydrogen peroxide into the empty soda bottle

    3. Add a little bit of dish soap and food coloring into the bottle and stir the mixture for a minute

    4. Pour the yeast mix into the bottle and watch the magic!  (if you touch the paste make sure to wash your hands afterwards! This mix can lead to irritation of the skin so be careful not to rub your eyes)​


Colors on the Move


Dancing Raisins